Paper Title
Fuzzy Logic Model for Port Operations
The aim of this study was modelling of formed operating capacity of Mersin Port depending on annual handling
quantity. Being of model variables complex and inappreciable required that the system should be examined by fuzzy logic
approach. When compared traditional approaches, fuzzy logic is the approach which impressively explains relationship
between input and output variables. Fuzzy logic approach is based on definition of relationship between variables with
formed fuzzy rule base by fuzzication of numeric values belonging to input and output variables and obtaining a crisp value
by defuzzication of output value generated in the system. For this study, while input variables were annual loading and
unloading quantities, output variable was capacity usage ratio of the port. Model is proposing a fuzzy relation between
annual handling amount of port and formed port capacity, and describing variation of port capacity as proportional.
Furthermore, the model maximizes effectiveness of port operating by planning of annual target handling amount for port
considering formed capacity.