Paper Title
Study on Security and Energy Efficiency of MEC for IoT
The Internet has grown exponentially and expanded into almost every aspect of our daily life. The next wave of
technology expansion is over the interconnection of sensors, actuators, and appliances. This type of networking is referred to
as the Internet of Things (IoT). Achieving energy efficiency and sustainability in intensive computation, MEC is a promising
approach to address such challenges. Study on various reports of energy consumption and security approaches in wireless
technologies reveals that supporting results for MEC framework for IoT. No efficient mechanism that can measure the trust
of IoT devices, current certificate revocation schemes have many limitations. Online certificate status protocol (OCSP)
Predominant schemes for ensuring security and privacy in the IoT. Numerical results indicate that the proposed scheme does
bring significant enhancement in both energy efficiency and latency performance of MEC applications for IoT. MEC scheme
does not consider dynamic traffic load and interference. Places where caching units can be deployed, Deploy at the core
network, the radio access network and user devices. Conventional caching policies in wired networks are revised for wireless
to handle resources. Popular files and indexes are cached at the users within a cluster. MEC, Certificate scheme, caching
improves IoT.
Keywords - MEC Framework, OCSP, Stackelberg Game, Caching Policies.