Paper Title
AgroWeb – Crop Disease Detection and Monitorization

India is the second-largest country in the world. The growing population has increased the basic need for food in the country. The traditional techniques used by the farmers for farming are still not efficient for surplus production. Crops are damaged by the attack of disease, insects, and weeds. Managing them in the field and saving the crop from their attack is a major challenge for a farming community. The proposed system detects plant disease and recommends an appropriate solution in terms of pesticides and their usage to minimize the effect of the disease using a novel deep learning technique. The lasting architecture has to have strong roots, thus we have not only laid stress on solving the diseases at its periphery level but also checking soil moisture by devising a hardware-based system to solve the same. Besides, a provision of social media platform where farmers, retailers and any agricultural enthusiast can communicate with each other; further an end to end marketing between farmers and consumers, eliminating mediators. We are also providing a chatbot portal, wherein all the agriculture-related queries have an answer. Thus the system can serve as a solution for modern days farmers. Keywords - Crop Disease, Deep Learning, Marketing, Object Detection, Soil Fertility.