Paper Title
An Enhanced Technique Based On Content Based Image Retrieval And Video Indexing

The advances in the data capturing, processing, storage, and communication technologies have made vast amounts of image & video data available to consumer and enterprise applications. However, interacting with multimedia data like images and video in particular, requires more than connecting with data banks and delivering data through networks to customer's homes or offices. We still have limited tools and applications to describe, organize, and handle records. The basic move towards is to index video data and make it a structured media. The manual generation of video content description is time consuming—and thus more costly—to the point that it’s almost impossible. Moreover, when available, it is incorrect, and unfinished. The current system has the ability to search images based on the name or text description of images besides, the summarization or description of the images has to be done manually. Keywords-Communication Technologies, Data Banks, Data Capturing, Image Based, Index Video, Structured Media, Context Based Image Retrieval.