Paper Title
A Smart Cloud-based OSN with Sentimental Analysis
Over the past decade, the term Sentimental analysis has gathered a lot of attention. Sentimental analysis is
nothing but an automated process of extraction of positive and negative emotions from a text. The internet is growing with
users who put their thoughts and opinions in the form of comments, reviews and articles. Therefore, it becomes tedious to
understand and comprehend large volumes of data consisting of comments, articles etc. Currently: the, there are multiple
approaches to tackle this using the methods of Image processing and machine learning. This research work focuses on using
the “natural” framework which provides multiple tools for natural language processing. The proposed system will house an
analytical engine that is running on Node.js. It will listen to the data changes in real-time and calculate the sentiment of the
received data which can be used for the analysis of comments or posts on social media. The proposed system will provide
efficient results whilst consuming minimal computational power.
Keywords - Sentiment, Sentiment Analysis, Cloud Computing, IAAS