Paper Title
Innovative Teaching And Effective Learning Using Software Approaches: A Survey

Education is important for the progress of the nation. Different countries are following various approaches to improve the engineering education system like Australia follow the techniques like PATS(Peer Assisted Teaching Scheme)[3],an ecological network teaching and learning environment is proposed based on social constructiveness teaching ideas is given by china[4], ABoLT (Al Baha optimising Teaching and Learning) by Sweden and Saudi Arabia[5] ,Semantic Self Learning And Teaching Agent (SESLATA) is a self learning software which is capable of learning from a natural language source is used by SriLanka[2],SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education Development)[6] is an international non-profit student organization that works towards enhancing engineering education, SPEED- India is a country chapter. In India the IIT’s are following NPTEL, Remote centers for faculty development using moodle, recently IIT bombay has started with IITBX online courses. Keywords- Engineering Education, Teaching, Learning, World-Wide Schemes, Diversification