Paper Title :Predictive Task Scheduling Strategies for Cost Optimization in Multi-Cloud Deployments
Author :Devarapalli Keerthi Priya, Dudipala Jaswanth, Samhitha Putteti, Josna Tamma, Arun Reddy Pothireddy
Article Citation :Devarapalli Keerthi Priya ,Dudipala Jaswanth ,Samhitha Putteti ,Josna Tamma ,Arun Reddy Pothireddy ,
(2024 ) " Predictive Task Scheduling Strategies for Cost Optimization in Multi-Cloud Deployments " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 40-46,
Abstract : In today's dynamic cloud computing landscape, organizations increasingly rely on multi-cloud deployments to
leverage diverse services and mitigate risks associated with vendor lock-in and service outages. However, optimizing
resource allocation and minimizing costs across multiple cloud providers pose significant challenges. This paper presents a
novel approach to address these challenges through predictive task scheduling strategies tailored for cost optimization in
multi-cloud environments. Leveraging machine learning techniques, our proposed framework analyzes historical data on
task executions, resource utilization, and cost metrics to forecast future workload patterns and make informed scheduling
decisions. By dynamically allocating tasks across multiple clouds based on predicted resource demands and pricing
fluctuations, our approach aims to maximize cost-efficiency while meeting performance requirements. We evaluate the
effectiveness of our strategy through extensive simulations and real-world experiments, demonstrating significant cost
savings compared to traditional scheduling methods. Our findings underscore the potential of predictive task scheduling in
multi-cloud deployments to drive cost optimization and enhance overall resource utilization in cloud computing ecosystems.
Keywords - Predictive, Task Scheduling, Strategies, Cost Optimization, Multi-Cloud Deployments, Cloud Computing,
Machine Learning, Resource Allocation, Workload Patterns, Performance, Dynamic, Resource Utilization, Pricing
Fluctuations, Simulation, Experiments, Cost Savings, Resource Efficiency.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-11-19 |