Paper Title :Consideration Of Web Analysis And A/B Testing For Effective Website Development In B2b Industry
Author :Takumi Ozawa, Akiyuki Sekiguchi, Yoshikatsu Fujita, Kazuhiko Tsuda
Article Citation :Takumi Ozawa ,Akiyuki Sekiguchi ,Yoshikatsu Fujita ,Kazuhiko Tsuda ,
(2015 ) " Consideration Of Web Analysis And A/B Testing For Effective Website Development In B2b Industry " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 97-101,
Abstract : To improve own products and services awareness in B2B software industry is often held by the marketing event.
Improving the number of the event attendees is equal to improving the product and service awareness. Therefore, it has been
required to develop an attractive web site to promote the event and secure the attendance registration, also asked for cost
reduction at the same time from ROI (Return on Investment) perspective. In this study, we could identify the web page that
contributed event registration by original referrer domain analysis and page effectiveness analysis. This paper also contains
consideration of A/B testing, such as wording and color effectiveness of the web creatives to make the web visitors register
the event attendance. It shows several results of A/B testing to figure out effective communication with the web visitors at
the B2B event website.
Keywords- B2B Industry, Marketing Event, Website, Web Analysis, A/B Testing.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-12
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Published on 2015-12-23 |