Paper Title :An Avenue Accumulator On Cloud Based On LBS
Author :David, Deepthi Srinivas
Article Citation :David ,Deepthi Srinivas ,
(2016 ) " An Avenue Accumulator On Cloud Based On LBS " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 39-40,
Volume-4, Issue-7
Abstract : In the modern era of times we have seen many new technologies, such as cloud services, GPS enabled devices
etc. This leads to the requirement for the services based on the locality. A person looking for some places of his/her interest
could be made available based on certain desired features like food type, quality etc. To do so we would require query search
based on location along with the interested features. Places of interest can searched such as for example a query to look for a
place with features like TV,AC and it should be within 5km of radius. This can be very helpful for the users in many ways.
For the second instance lets provide the user with the information of the location, distance, time along with the other features
discussed before, this would make the job even more easier for the user to find a place of his/her desire.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4, Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-08-17 |