Paper Title
Demand Based Energy Efficient And Secured Routing For Manet
There are 2 different ways to achieve efficient energy in Ad-hoc network. First method is, number of nodes are
used to form a connected backbone and the other nodes sleep to save energy. This is effective for low traffic networks. The
second method implies, power control technique. This technique is effective in high traffic conditions. The first method is
not effective in high traffic conditions. Similarly, the second method is not effective in low traffic networks. So, in this paper
we propose a Demand Based Energy efficient Topology (DBET) that helps in reducing the energy consumption for mobile
ad hoc network i.e. MANET, by adjusting the topology for various network traffic conditions. The DBET has been applied
over AODV which is used for packet transmission. The AES algorithm is used for adding the secure routing to the network.