Paper Title
Extra Threshold In Round Robin Algorithm In Multiprocessor System

The prevalent Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm makes use of a variable, Time Quantum for its pre-emption which allots a slice of time to the processors to switch between the processes. Setting the quantum too small causes lot many process switching and reduce the CPU efficiency, but setting it large results in starvation of other processes in the queue. The conventional Round Robin algorithm does not allow any process to be allocated to the processor for more than one Time Quantum. So, if a process has a burst time less than or equal to the time quantum then the process is executed in one go but if a fraction of burst time is left over then the process is moved to the tail of the ready queue and waits till other processes in the ready queue executes following the FCFS decorum. This procedure is continued until the process terminates. Our proposed Round Robin Scheduling for multiprocessor system (considering homogeneous CPUs) cites a new variable ET (Extra Threshold) which has a value equal to 10% of the time quantum in a system. The processes with burst time less than or equal to the added result of Time Quantum and Extra Threshold (TQ+ET) are able to execute in the same time slice without having to wait in the ready queue for their allocation to the processor in the next time cycle. This ameliorates the conventional Round Robin by improving the throughput, turnaround time and waiting time.