Paper Title
Future Challenges Addressing NFV Security and Survivability

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging technology that strives to reduce Operational (OpEx) and Capital (CaPex) Expenses. Its idea is to decouple network functions from proprietary physical devices, facilitating implementation, administration and upgrades. This technology is still under standardization, and companies that shall leverage from it pose concerns regarding several NFV topics, namely standards, performance, available tools, management and, specially security. In this paper, a survey is driven in order to classify reported studies and projects that are being performed on NFV. Such works are classified according the European Telecommunication Standards Institute standards on NFV. Although some research projects are being done, we show concerns regarding NFV topics are justified due to the lack of inspection, specially on NFV security areas, namely, surity on infrastructure virtualization, security on management and orchestration systems, and also analysis of survivability and disaster recovery schemes. Keywords - Network Function Virtualization, security, survivability