Paper Title
Home Automation using Raspberry PI
Home automation systems or smart home technologies are systems and devices that can control elements of home
environments such as lights, fans, water pumps, general purpose sockets, etc. Home automation focuses more on
conservation. There are many different types of different purposes like comfort and luxury. In fact, one of the major
problems of these systems is that these are neither inter-operable nor inter-connected. House hold appliances can be
controlled from a centralised control unit in a typical home automation system. For the most commercially available home
automation systems, these appliances usually have to be specially designed to be compatible with each other and with each
other and with the control unit.
This automation system uses Raspberry Pi 2 (Model B) as its brain. The controller used in system is Arduino Uno. The size
of system is also small which makes it compact. As the system is interconnected the appliances can be controlled from on
single center. This system is designed to be flexible and generally programmable, extensively such that adding additional
features is relatively simple and modular and forward compatible, so that new components can be added without redesigning
the entire system. Our Automation is mainly based on Energy Conservation by avoiding wastage of energy.
The Core concept of the system is to make it flexible so adding or reducing number of equipment and similarly number of
rooms. The Raspberry pi has 40 GPIO pins hence adding new sensors are simple from hardware point of view. The software
used are open source and available for free. Hence the system is easily editable and expandable.
Keywords- Raspberry PI, Arduino, GUI (Graphical user interface.