Paper Title
Tumor Detection Using Fuzzy Logic And GMRF
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. In developed countries, among one in eight women
develop breast cancer at some stage of their life. Early diagnosis of breast cancer plays a very important role in treatment of
the disease. With the goal of identifying genes that are more correlated with the prognosis of breast cancer. An algorithm
based on Fuzzy logic and GMRF property is used for the detection of the cancer tumors. Fuzzy logic and markov random
fields work in real time. We also try to show its performance by comparing it with the existing real time algorithm that uses
only markov random fields. This is not only suitable for the detection of the tumors, but also suitable for various general
applications like in the detection of object in an image etc.
Keywords- Tumors, GMRF texture, Segmentation, Fuzzy Logic.