Paper Title
Cost-Effective Streaming Of Videos From The Cloud By Using Icloudaccess
Cloud allows users to play high quality videos instantly without downloading the video. A series of well-designed
active and passive measurements are conducted on a large-scale cloud platform and it is identified that there exists
significant diversity in the queuing delay and response delay among users response delay refers to the time difference
between receiving a user input at the client side and the video scenes updated on the user’s screen. The latency problem
largely results from user-specified request routing and inelastic server provisioning. Existing cloud platforms purely relay on
request dispatch mechanisms to handle the load. However study proves that this mechanism alone is not sufficient in
handling the load and there should be additional mechanism to provision additional servers when the current number of
servers is insufficient. The major objectives of this paper are to cut down the provisioning cost of cloud service providers
while still ensuring the user QoE requirements.
Keywords- Queuing delay, Response delay, Latency problem