Paper Title
Improved Adaptive Gamma Correction Technique On Gray Scale Images Using Image Enhancement
Digital Image Processing is very important area of research. A number of techniques are available for image
enhancement of gray scale images. Important techniques namely Histogram Equalization, BBHE, RESWHE (recursion=2,
gamma=No), AGCWD (Recursion=0, gamma=0) have been used quite frequently for image enhancement. But there are
some shortcomings of the present techniques. To remove this shortcoming, a new hybrid technique namely REC+AGCWD
(recursion=2, gamma=0 or 1) was proposed. The results of the proposed technique were compared with the existing
techniques. In the present methodology, the brightness did not decrease during image enhancement. So the results and the
technique was validated and accepted. The parameters via PSNR, MSE, AMBE etc. are taken for performance evaluation
and validation of the proposed technique against the existing techniques.
Keywords- Histogram Equalization (HE), BBHE, RESWHE, AGWCD, PSNR, MSE, Enhancement