Paper Title
An Approach To Web Based Operating System (C.K)

Abstract:-This paper presents a new operating system that is a web based operating system for mobile phones. This type of operating system deals with internet. Mainly it fully works on internet .If we see there are many O.S such as windows, android, symbian, etc .This O.S is mainly connected to its own server which contains all the user information. This O.S demands that all our personal details and data are saved on server .It is a user friendly operating server and is also very handy .In this OS, the user has to create a account on the server provided by C.K, like other O.S. This account is completely secure from hacking and other cyber crimes such as Google is providing .The user should provide all his/her information including contact ,image ,emails, social networking sites etc..Basically all the user information is saved on the server security. This OS[C.K]provide a better, handy user friendly and fast, smart phones for today’s generation. Taking into consideration the upcoming 4g generation with greater internet connectivity and speed, C.K provides better internet uploading facilities.