Paper Title :Machine Learning based Digitization of Data in Banking Environment
Author :Shruti Kadukar, Rahul Kairamkonda, Ajinkiya Hungund, Nilesh Rathod
Article Citation :Shruti Kadukar ,Rahul Kairamkonda ,Ajinkiya Hungund ,Nilesh Rathod ,
(2019 ) " Machine Learning based Digitization of Data in Banking Environment " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 34-40,
Volume-7, Issue-5
Abstract : Digitization of handwritten and printed documents used in financial institutions, using optical character
recognition (OCR) and artificial neural networks (ANN). Image scanner is used to scan the documents which store the
document into an image format. In this paper OCR in combination with ANN is used to recognize the characters from the
documents, the output in stored in .xml file format. This file is first converted and stored in excel file format, second the
banking management system integrates the obtained excel data. This translated data is stored in database, which further
performs various procedures on database with help of SQL operations. The output obtained is linked to an android platform,
which can be further used for different applications using machine learning code. The current banking system is tedious and
error prone. This paper aims to create a system which provides higher accuracy and efficiency. The proposed approach will
revolutionize the current approach of banking system.
Keywords - OCR, Artificial Neural Networks, BPN, Image Digitization.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7, Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-07-26 |