Paper Title :Privacy Of Digital Images Using Visual Cryptography With Enveloping Technique
Author :Kshitij Khakurdikar, Darshit Bhatt, Shweta Bhamare, Darshana Kothari
Article Citation :Kshitij Khakurdikar ,Darshit Bhatt ,Shweta Bhamare ,Darshana Kothari ,
(2014 ) " Privacy Of Digital Images Using Visual Cryptography With Enveloping Technique " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 8-10,
Abstract : Abstract- To obscure image-based secret information, we use technique called as Visual Cryptography. The idea is to divide
the secret image into number of shares (n) for encryption. Simple visual cryptography is insecure as the decryption process
done by human visual system. The secret image can be retrieved by anyone if the person gets at least k number of shares out of
n. Watermarking is a technique used to put a digital signature of the owner within the creation of media file.
In this proposed system, using invisible digital watermarking, we embed each share of the secret image into sophisticated
image and then transmitted to the receiver. This process is known as enveloping. The shares are generated using random
number generator.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-05-16 |