Paper Title :A Modified Heuristic Approach for Constructing AOA Networks
Author :Rami A. Maher, Hamza Al-Safadi
Article Citation :Rami A. Maher ,Hamza Al-Safadi ,
(2018 ) " A Modified Heuristic Approach for Constructing AOA Networks " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 1-6,
Volume-6, Issue-12
Abstract : This paper introduces a heuristic algorithm, which focuses on constructing a unique AOA network for any project
from its activities, and immediate predecessor constraints list. The algorithm guarantees a minimum number of dummy
nodes even when the project involves multi-critical paths. The proposed algorithm can be performed manually as well as
automatically. The final output of the algorithm is to determine two network matrices that can be used directly for optimal
project scheduling. The algorithm is explained through a detailed example of the process of converting any immediate
predecessor list to AOA networks.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6, Issue-12
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-02-21 |