Paper Title :Big Data Integration Architecture to Analytics
Author :Rahul Kumar, Javed Wasim, Subodh Kumar
Article Citation :Rahul Kumar ,Javed Wasim ,Subodh Kumar ,
(2022 ) " Big Data Integration Architecture to Analytics " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 7-12,
Abstract : Abstract - Big data explore new opportunities to modern era for discovering new information and knowledge for better understanding and rapid decision making. Big data refers to the bang of existing information. The big data movements are obsessed by the very large amounts of high-dimensional or unstructured data which is continuously generated and stored with a much cheaper cost for further use. There is massive increase in the data size in every sector. The term big data became very popular now days due to large amount of information’s are added every second. With the increase of data, the efficient and critical analysis of data is required for its better understanding and decision making.
In this paper, authors have proposed architecture for big data integration processes. Authors have also been discussed the challenges of big data analysis and different types of data integration. The key challengesof big data integration are schema mapping, record linkage and data fusion.
General Terms - Big data Integration, Distributed Data, Unstructured Data, Data Warehouse.
Keywords - Big Data, Hadoop, Hbase, HDFS, Streaming,Kafka.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-3
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Published on 2022-05-02 |