Paper Title :An Adaptive Method of Odd-Even Scanning (OES) Algorithm in WSN For Enhancing Network Efficiency
Author :Neeraj Bhargava, Ritu Bhargava, Pramod Singh, Abhishek Kumar
Article Citation :Neeraj Bhargava ,Ritu Bhargava ,Pramod Singh ,Abhishek Kumar ,
(2017 ) " An Adaptive Method of Odd-Even Scanning (OES) Algorithm in WSN For Enhancing Network Efficiency " ,
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) ,
pp. 86-90,
Abstract : Remote detecting system utilizes lightweight sensors that have low power reinforcement. Therefore
power saving is exceptionally noteworthy in such quite system. Suggested calculation "Odd - Even virtual
scanning" is used to acknowledge any protest effectively, adequately and it conjointly saves important power in
wireless sensors. As sensing element are sent in even and odd mode , in order that they are switches amongst
resting and alert mode and also the different way around, in the odd much manner, wherever the identification
of targets, getting into from the entrance point, before they reach one of the end point of protection point. It
detects the energy of an object within scanning area as well because it also saves energy consumption by this
work opens a promising detection of road network surveillance. It centers consumption and it improves the life
time of sensor.
The execution of the odd-Even examining approach as far as system time is double than all completely different
past filtering calculations as way as system time. All the past procedures target vitality utilization however here
paper target diminishing the invention time and additionally energy consumption. The main focus is to enhance
the energy and performance of the sensing element scanning method. The sensing programming rule plays a job
for target intrusion detection, utilizing the distinctive options of road networks
Keywords—Sensor Network, Road Network, Virtual Scanning, Detection, Protection, odd - Even virtual scanning
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-11-23 |